These webinars form a annual review program covering off the major areas you need to be compliant to safety legislation and how you do this using Online WHS.
Each month Michael explains a different aspect of safety. Our clients use this as an opportunity to review the practices in place for the topic and then use the remainder of the month to implement any changes required.
It’s a great way of breaking down safety into manageable (time-bound) tasks and we encourage all clients to book in for these webinars (which can be done via the form to the right).
(Each webinar is at 2pm unless otherwise stated)
January 21st
Plant and Equipment Management
February 18th
Checklists and Monitors
March 18th
Incident Management and Developing Reports
April 15th
Worker Management – Positions, Training and Qualifications
May 20th
Risk, Quality & Environmental Management
June 17th
Hazard Management
July 15th
Safe Work Method Statements, Activities and Procedures
August 19th
Continual improvement via Audits and Consultation
September 16th
Your responsibilities in providing a safe workplace and how you use the Online WHS System to do so.
October 21st
Emergency Scenarios and Emergency Procedures
November 18th
Updates in Online WHS Systems: Plant and Equipment Categories, Supplier Register and WYN Reporting
December 16th
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