Record Management Module


The Record Management Module facilitates the development, uploading, storing and accessing of all checklists, forms and insurances. In this Module you can also creates an audit and then ables you to link all the documentation throughout the system to the element items created in the audit.

The Record Management Module

Keeping good health and safety records is important as it ensures:

  • Key information is easily retrievable, and can be passed on from one person to another
  • That the Company can demonstrate (internally and externally) compliance with our legal duties under health and safety law
  • It is a legal requirement, in many cases, to keep certain health and safety records available for inspections/audits.

What does it do and why do I need it?

  • Manage Checklists, checklists are an important part of any safety system as it highlights you have processes in place to maintain a safe workplace.
  • Manage Forms, like checklists forms are an important part used to record and guide your implementation of safety systems.
  • Manage Insurances, insurances are an important part of protecting your business when it comes to litigation.
  • Manage Audits, to review the effectiveness of your workplace health and safety systems.
  • Manage Compliance, standards and codes of practice highlight compliance to certain activities, machinery, chemicals and processes and are an important part to help guide your business in meeting compliance.
  • Manage Your Actions, the To-Do List tells you what you need to action in the system that day, week or month.

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Policy and Planning

How Online WHS Systems makes managing
Record Management easy!

Online WHS Systems makes record management easy by automating and interlinking the systems registers.

Online WHS Systems Record Management Register:

  • Allows you to build, create, copy or upload checklists
  • Develops QR Code that can be them easily printed and displayed on items needed. This Register also interlinks with every other register in the system and creates a record not only in a checklist but every other item related to clearly show compliance to activities undertaken.
  • Alerts you when items need to be reviewed
  • Develops comprehensive reports.

The System also comes with 8 pre-loaded checklist and 11 pre-loaded forms.

Policy and Planning

The Record Management Module comprises of

A Checklist Register

Checklists are a fundamental part of safety and compliance. Online WHS Systems allows you can create a series of online custom checklists and assign them to be completed by a certain date.

You can also use the checklist builder to:

  • Relate checklists to items in your system including sites, activities, machines, chemicals, compliances, policies, employees, contractors and more.
  • The developed checklist creates its own QR Code. Print and stick on a machine, wall or anything related to that item. Once scanned the checklist can be undertaken anywhere via any mobile device with an internet connection.
  • Completed checklists are recorded in a log (of all items it is related to, to show compliance easily and effectively).
  • Checklists can be scheduled to be completed on a reoccurring basis by a specific position, team or location.

An Audit Register

Audits are a big part of showing compliance.

Online WHS Systems allows you to:

  • Build an Audit in the system.
  • Relate documents and data throughout your Online WHS system to the audit you created to show evidence.
  • Allows the auditor to easily audit your evidence, and enter observations and recommendations, to produce an exportable report.
  • Clearly identifies the gap analysis needed to meet accreditation.

Meeting Register

Online WHS Systems effectivly manages all aspect of your company meetings.

The system allows you to create meetings, send agenda item topics and invitations to employees, add minutes into the system including actions from the meeting and then send the minutes to attendees.


Online WHS Systems keeps all your forms in one central location. The System comes with 11 pre-loaded forms including the Hazard Report Form, Incident and Investigation Report and a Safe Work Procedure Template to name a few.


Online WHS Systems allows you to upload your insurances into the Systems Insurance Register and reminds you when they are up from review.


This reference register allows you to relate checklists and procedures to it to show compliance and pass audits.

Why do I need to Manage Records?

Australian legislation states that health and safety records must be kept as a legal requirement.

Keeping good safety records is important as it:

  • Ensures key information is consistent and available at the touch of a button.
  • Ensures that a business can demonstration compliance with their legal duties under WHS law.
  • It enable senior management to monitor the health and safety performance of the company.
  • Makes it easier for the business to produce reports and show compliance for audits

This section will save businesses time as it allows them to track checklists and alerts you when these haven’t been completed.

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