Environmental Management Module


The Environmental Management Module allows companies to identify potential environmental issues and create options for lowering environmental impact.

The Environment Module

Having an environmental policy demonstrates a company’s commitment to environmental laws and regulations. These policies make sure that your activities don’t negatively impact the environment or that changes in the environment do not have harmful effects on your employees.


What does it do and why do I need it?

  • Manage Environment, identify environmental impacts and develop procedures and policies and statement of commitment to environmental issues identified.

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Policy and Planning

How Online WHS Systems makes
managing the Environment easy!

Online WHS Systems you can:

  • Develop business policies related to environmental issues
  • Identify and control environmental impacts
  • Develop an environmental policy and action plan
Policy and Planning

The Environment Module comprises of

The Environment Register

In the Environment Register you can upload documents relating to environmental issues. You can set review dates alerts for these documents and a history for each item is logged.

Why do I need to Manage Environmental Issues?

Environmental management is important. Businesses need to be aware of how their business operations affect the environment.

Your business can profit from environmental management through:

  • Improve workplace safety through reduced use of chemicals and waste
  • Savings on energy, water and waste costs lowering your carbon footprint
  • Achieving a positive reputation as a business who cares about its impact on the environment.

Online WHS Systems Environment Register enables you to address environmental issues in your workplace.

Articles relating to the Environment Module