Risk Management
Identifying, assessing and controlling hazards relating to your activities, chemicals, plant and equipment that your employees undertake is essential in any safety system. This module consists of a risk management process as well as maintaining your plant and equipment, chemicals and safe work method statements.
Online WHS Systems helps it’s users to effectively manage risk in their workplace.
Online WHS Systems makes managing risks relating to activities, chemicals and plant items easy as these registers not only link to the risk assessment process but also to the checklist builder and the induction builder. All these registers have features where you can actually develop maintenance or review records and highlight in each items log your commitment to safety.
See it – Assess it – Fix it – Evaluate it.
See it
Assess it
Fix it
Fixing (more commonly known as controlling) a hazard involves
Evaluate it
Review your risk assessment to see how effective your control measures are. Some questions you will need to ask during the review are:
You are able to record these details within your system. By doing so, you are meeting the legislative requirement to maintain a register of workplace health and safety risks and hazards.
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Phil Bamford walks you through Managing Risks in the Online WHS System.
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