Policy Management


The Policy and Planning Module enables the easy development of a framework for creating a more efficient, professional, and safer workplace.

Policy Management

The definition of a policy is typically described as a principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.

Why do we have policies?

  • To guide the business in its activities
  • To help ensure compliance with laws, statutes, regulations and government requirements
  • To help reduce risk and to have long term application that is subject to regular review and updates.

Online WHS Systems helps its users manage their policies in an easy fashion.

Online WHS Systems has a Policy Register containing all policies used by your business relating to workplace health and safety. Review dates can be set for each policy so they can be kept up to date. A history of these updates is also recorded in the system.

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How Online WHS Systems makes managing
Policies and Planning easy!

  • Comes with 26 pre-loaded customisable policies making it easy to comply with WHS legislation.
  • Centralises all your policies and alerts you when the policies need reviewing.
  • Set alerts for service records for emergency equipment.
  • Keep a log to show a history of continual improvement.

What do I need to do to Manage Policies?

A policy regulates, directs and controls actions and conduct, and they can range from broad philosophies to specific rules to guide decisions to a desired outcome and is considered to be a “Statement of Intent” or a “Commitment” to a particular goal.

Employees should:

  • Have access to Company Policies.
  • Be inducted on Company Policies.

Online WHS Systems Policy Register

Policy Register

(Click on image to view larger image)

Managing Policies

Phil Bamford walks you through Managing Policies in the Online WHS System.

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