Online WHS Systems in the Health Care Industry

Online WHS Systems is used throughout many Australian Health Care Facilities.

Let’s explore what Health Care Groups get out of Online WHS Systems and the benefits to the industry.

Safety in the Health Care Industry

We use software every day to manage our business processes. Why should safety management be any different? Online WHS Systems keeps workplace health and safety top of mind for businesses in the Health Care Industry.

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Safety in the Health Care Industry

Typically the Health Care Industry has carers working with multiple patients, doing so can be quite daunting as well as making sure to provide a safe place of work, not only for the worker but also their patients. With a myriad of paperwork to be undertaken, Online WHS Systems makes the carers experience so much easier. One of the other aspects of the Healthcare Industry is incident management, recording the incident correctly and maintaining records of not only the incident but all parties involved. Online WHS Systems has a comprehensive incident report module making it easier for the carer to report the incident and develops comprehensive reports for management and boards.

Some of our clients include:

What Online WHS Systems focuses on in this Industry

  • To make safety easy – All a carer needs to do is scan a QR Code to complete a form, checklist or report a hazard or incident.
  • To make safety accessible – Online WHS Systems is a cloud-based system which can be used anywhere with an internet connection.
  • To make safety simple – Carers can log into the system and know exactly what needs to be actioned by clicking one simple button, the ‘To-Do List’.
  • To make safety efficient – Online WHS Systems is an automated system. If something needs to be actioned, the relevant person is alerted via email or SMS.

“I like the fact that all our systems and compliance issues can be managed from the system, prompts and reminders are so important and having this information automated plays a very important role in meeting our compliance obligations.

We initially looked at the system for managing just our WHS obligations and soon found it could do so much more for our business.”

Ben Levesque, Chief Executive Officer, Finley Regional Care

Safety Painpoints in the Health Care Industry

What are the painpoints when managing safety in the Health Care Industry and how does Online WHS Systems address and solve these points?

  • 01Policy and Procedure Management

    Health Care Facilities are required to have WHS policies and procedures in place to effectively manage and address particular issues and hazards.

    How can Online WHS Systems solve these issues?
    - Use the Policy and Procedure Register to make sure administrative measures to control workplace hazards are in place.

    How can Online WHS solve these issues?
    - Use the E-Learning Module to make sure all employees are trained in Manual Handling.
    - Use Checklists to conduct a Risk Assessment for each individual patient.
    - Use the Plant and Equipment Module to make sure patient mechanical aids are well maintained.

  • 01Employee Management and Inductions

    Staying on top of employee information and certifications can be tiresome. Especially in the Health Care Environment when employees are required to have a large number of certifications.

    How can Online WHS Systems solve these issues?
    - Use the Employee and Contractor Modules to keep track of your employees certifications. The system will alert the administrator and employee when their certification is about to expire so it can be updated.
    - Use the E-Learning Module to Induct and train employees in your workplace safety processes.

  • 01Incident Management

    Employees can be exposed to a range of risks which can cause injury including slips, trips and falls and manual tasks.

    How can Online WHS Systems solve these issues?
    - Use the Incident Register to identify, analyse and correct hazards to prevent the recurrence of injuries in the workplace.
    - Use the Checklist Register to undertake a risk assessment checklist, develop and manage controls.
    - Use the Policy and Procedure Register to make sure administrative measures to control workplace hazards are in place.
    - Use the E-Learning Module to make sure all employees are inducted and trained in workplace safety.
    - Use the Plant and Equipment Module to make sure items are properly maintained.


Online WHS Systems for the Health Care Industry

What registers help the Health Care Industry manage their safety obligations?

Policy and PlanningInjury Management

The injury Management Module allows your company to analyse the cause and effect of injuries and identifies actions needing to be taken to reduce the risk of that injury happening again in the future.

Injury ManagementPolicies and Procedures Registers

Online WHS Systems can help manage safe work policies and procedures which set up the framework for an efficient, professional and safer workplace.

Risk ManagementChecklist Builder

The Checklist Builder allows you to create checklists which can be related to sites, activities, plant & equipment, chemicals, employees and more.

Employee ManagementInduction Module

The E-Learning Register of Online WHS Systems allows you to assign inductions and records the results.

Record ManagementQualification Matrix and Manager

The Qualification Matrix and Manager allows you to keep track of your employees and qualifications. If you relate a qualification to a position, any employee related to that position without the proper qualifications will be highlighted as yellow in the Qualification Matrix, automatically creating a Training Needs Analysis.

Environmental ManagementTraining Needs Analysis

By simply defining your organisation’s positions and the qualifications/inductions needed to safely perform that role, when an employee is related to that position Online WHS Systems will automatically create an exportable Training Needs Analysis highlighting if any gaps are present in your training.

Record ManagementAudit Builder

Online WHS Systems allows you to build an audit, relate documents and data to the audit to show evidence, enter observations and recommendations and produce exportable reports.

Environmental ManagementMaintenance Manager

In the Maintenance Manager you can develop a maintenance request for a site, location or plant and equipment item.

Record ManagementMeeting Builder

Online WHS Systems has a Meeting Manager that allows you to build your own templates for a meeting including management meetings, toolbox talks, safety meetings and consultation, make minutes and set actions.

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