
Online WHS Pricing – DRAFT

Often when compared with other systems of similar functionality, Online WHS comes in at one third the price. We structured it this was as we don’t want the cost to prevent businesses from running safely.

The below amount is for complete access to the software (all modules, all employees having access).

There is additional costs for SMS’s (if you want to activate and use them in the system), safe work method statements (SWMS) which we can purchase on your behalf and premium support services/packages.

Please fill in the following details
to calculate your subscription:

Number of Full Time Employees
Number of Part Time Employees
Number of Casual Employees
Number of Contractors
Number of Volunteers
Monthly or Yearly renewal? (M/Y)

For the purposes of Online WHS “employees” is defined as anyone who will need to be registered in the employee register and/or will need to access the system (i.e Full time, Part Time and Casual). Contractors are unable to have access to the system as they are considered external suppliers or service providers. If you have workers who are “sole traders” and whose sole source of income is your company it is likely they would be need to be classed as employees for Online WHS.

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