Safety Checklists

Conducting frequent workplace health and safety inspections using safety checklists to identify hazards is an essential part of any proactive safety program.

Safety Checklists

Checklists are a fundamental part of safety and compliance. They are one of the simplest management tools in business yet offers some of the greatest benefits; from saving you time and money to saving a life!

Online WHS Systems allows you can create a series of online custom checklists and assign them to be completed by a certain date.


What can the Checklist Builder do?

You can use Online WHS Systems Checklist Builder to:

  • Relate checklists to items in your system including sites, activities, machines, chemicals, compliances, policies, employees, contractors and more.
  • The developed checklist creates its own QR Code. Print and stick on a machine, wall or anything related to that item. Once scanned the checklist can be undertaken anywhere via any mobile/tablet device with an internet connection.
  • Completed checklists are recorded in a log (of all items it is related to, to show compliance easily and effectively).
  • Checklists can be scheduled to be completed on a reoccurring basis by a specific position, team or location.

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The Checklist Form

(Click on image to view larger image)

Adding a Checklist

(Click on image to view larger image)

Adding Actions in Checklists

(Click on image to view larger image)

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