Qualification Matrix
No matter what industry you are in it is highly likely that your employees will need certain qualifications to perform the tasks they undertake. Managing these qualifications can be difficult and time-consuming. Having an employee undertake a task who is either not qualified or their qualifications have expired is a major compliance breach and if something goes wrong.
Qualification management doesn’t have to be difficult and time-consuming, let Online WHS Systems qualification matrix and manager make managing qualification easy!
Simply add your qualifications into the systems qualification manager and relate the qualification to an employee, enter an alert date and an expiry date. The system will place any qualification entered into a Qualification Matrix which can be published in a variety of reports. Email alerts can be set to alert you of upcoming expiring qualifications and also alert the employee by placing the expiring qualification in the employee’s To-Do List.
You can also relate certain qualifications to a position and any employee who has been related to that position who does not have the appropriate qualification will be highlighted as yellow in the Qualification Matrix, automatically creating a Training Needs Analysis (TNA).
The system can produce an ID Card for the employee complete with all their qualifications.
The Qualification Matrix
(Click on image to view larger image)
Qualification Setting by Positions
(Click on image to view larger image)
Exportable Qualification Matrix
(Click on image to view larger image)
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