As an employer under Work Health and Safety laws, you are responsible for:
- the work environment, systems of work, machinery and equipment are safe and properly maintained
- information, training, instruction, and supervision are provided
- adequate workplace facilities are available for workers
- any accommodation you provide to your workers is safe
- workers’ health and workplace conditions are monitored
- chemicals are handled and stored safely.
So, does this include Coronavirus?
Absolutely it does, an employer should implement policies and procedures that will help reduce the likelihood of employees being exposed to the virus while under the employer’s duty of care and also help to comply with emerging edicts.
Having no system in place may not only expose employees and contribute to loss of production but could also expose an employer to civil litigation and statutory prosecution. For example, let’s say an employer does not have any system in place and an employee contracted the virus whilst undertaking a task for the employer. By having no system in place a business could be exposed to substantial litigation in addition to potential prosecution for non-compliance.
That’s where having a proven system such as Online WHS will not only assist an employer in providing a safe workplace but also protect that employer by providing a system that details and highlights:
- Policies
- Procedures
- Risk assessments
- Inductions/ training
- Consultation
- As well as many other features to show compliance
The Online WHS system helps make an employer’s duty to comply with Work Health and Safety obligations a little easier with over 40 registers interlinking to create one easy to use system.
We are so confident that Online WHS can significantly assist your business with its compliance obligations as well as in most circumstances (especially where a paper based system is in place) reduce the labour costs of compliance that we are offering a two months free no obligation trial.
To find out more about Online WHS and take up our two months free no-obligation trial, contact us at or book a demonstration here.
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