Aged Care Safety: Are You Doing These 3 Things Already?

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You would have already received our first email on Aged Care Safety: 3 Things you should be doing, and 3 things to start in 2021 – and if you haven’t already, remember to book in for our Aged Care Safety Webinar here

Continuing on in our email series, WHS Systems has put together the top three things Aged Care Facilities should already be doing to be safety compliant.

Here are 3 things you should be doing which we will be covering in the Webinar:


The Royal Commission recommended that Aged Care Facilities implement technology-based systems in order to minimise errors, increase ease of access and to ultimately save time.

The Royal Commission released a statement in their ‘Aged Care Quality and Safety’ report that the investment and implementation of technology based systems help with: 

  • Digital record keeping;
  • Greater communication across other health care provider;
  • Covering all the bases. 

The 3 key areas in Aged Care safety needing technology investment are: 

  1. To enable better services for older people such as care management, case monitoring and reporting that is accessible, accurate and up-to-date.
  2. To provide assistive support for older people to help manage their safety easily and contribute to their quality of life.
  3. For better communication and seamless reporting including the sharing of data and information.


The Aged Care Quality Standards Commission requires all aged care providers to manage and prevent incidents through the use of an Incident Management System (IMS).

Standard 8, Requirement (3)(d) of the Aged Care Quality Standards (Quality Standards) requires the use of an effective IMS with the following four key components: 

  1. Policies and procedures on how to identify, respond to, resolve and learn from incidents which must be documented and accessible.
  2. A recording tool to capture incident details and information.
  3. A staff training program with regular reinforcement of system use and responsibilities of staff.
  4. Governance and accountability arrangements to ensure effectiveness and continuous quality improvement. 


Aged Care providers have the duty of care to ensure that any employees undertaking work have the appropriate experience, qualifications, skills and training.

This process includes the planning, development and review of training with ongoing workforce development and continuous improvement to create longer-term career paths, and address relevant current and future competencies and skills. 

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has set out requirements for governing bodies to:

  • Ensure leaders and managers have professional qualifications.
  • Adopt and implement staff management and support for training, professional development and continuous learning, staff feedback and engagement, and team building.

Online WHS Systems is a leader in Online Safety Software. It has been designed to make compliance to the above points Quick and Easy. We are regarded as one of the most comprehensive, yet easy to use  products on the market.

We are holding a FREE NO OBLIGATION Aged Care Safety Webinar, to assist our existing clients and to educate the industry at large. Further we will demonstrate how you can achieve compliance using Online WHS Systems.


To find out more, contact us on:

Call Us 1800 020 389

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