Aged Care Safety: 3 Things You Should Be Doing, and 3 Things To Start in 2021

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No other industry has been as impacted as the Aged Care Industry over the past two years, firstly with findings from the Royal Commission and then COVID. WHS Systems have put together the top three things you should be doing, and the top three things you need to start doing to assist both our clients and the industry at large. 

You’re either receiving these communications if you are a client or connected in some way to our business.

Here are the top 3 things you should be doing and 3 things you need to start doing to efficiently and effectively accomplish your safety obligations. 

3 Things you should be doing:

  1. Technology
    Implement technology-based systems into your facilities, and develop your workers’ digital skill sets for ease of reporting.

  2. Incident Management System
    Transfer from a paper-based management system to a digital platform for accuracy and efficiency.

  3. Qualifications and Inductions
    Record and audit your workers qualifications and inductions to ensure validity and staying up-to-date.

3 Things you need to start doing:

  1. Vaccination Management
    Record employee vaccinations as per the National Cabinet’s mandate for vaccinations in the aged care sector. 

  2. Sign-in/out Management
    Record those entering your facility to show compliance with requirements to monitor site visits.

  3. Risk Management
    Implement an effective risk management system using the “identify, detect and respond” cycle to reduce the probability of the risk recurring.

With the constant changes to WHS legislation, Online WHS Systems has been designed for continual improvement – that is, our system is aligned to assist you in complying with these standards in a way that is simple and effective.

That is why we are holding a FREE NO OBLIGATION Aged Care Safety Webinar to show you how you can achieve compliance using Online WHS Systems.

WHS Systems is a leader in its field for online cloud solution software. Our flagship product is Online WHS Systems (Online WHS) that focuses on bringing WHS solutions to suit your business needs and budget. 


To find out more, contact us on:

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